Filming Process

After filming virtual tours for over a hundred schools, we have refined the process to minimise the time and workload commitment from the school.

Below are the basic steps to create a tour:

Before the filming date

  • Confirm a day and time when the school can be filmed

  • Select a list of spaces to be included in the tour

  • For the spaces being filmed, notify teachers to keep their classrooms tidy and presentable for filming the day before

On the filming date

Accompany the videographer around each space on the day, or provide a map of spaces to be filmed.

The filming time can be influenced by factors such as how many spaces are being filmed, how spread out the school is, and how tidy the spaces are prior to filming.

After filming

Schools3D will create the virtual tour and provide a proof. From here the school can confirm any required changes, and when the file is approved, we will provide the link and details to embed the tour on the school website.